
Extending Your Vision

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Hujan Es In S.F.

Hujan Es In SF

Hujan es di New York??? Wah itu sudah biasa....
Tapi kalo hujan es di SF??? Wahhh itu sih luar biasa...
It happened before. But I didnt have the chance to see it. However, yesterday, at about 3:00 PM PST, it happened again.
The ice balls were so thick. It happened for only about 5 - 10 minutes. The ice balls melted in about 15 - 20 minutes.
That was great though...


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Best Reality Shows You Have Ever Seen

Best Reality Shows You Have Ever Seen

What are the best reality shows you have ever seen in your entire life? Please contribute your answer by commenting on this thread. Just click the word "Comment" at the end of this message.

Thank you for your participation.


SKYsf's Best Reality Shows:

1. The Simple Life (Season 1 and 2)
2. Fear Factor
3. MTV Cribs
4. Elimidate
5. Room Raiders

Lid's Best Reality Shows:
=> fear factor
=> the wade robson project
=> the apprentice
=> punk'd lol

those "for luv or money", "average joe", "bachelor(ette)" realty tv sux big time! so unreal..

The Simple Life Season 2

The Simple Life Season 2

Ever heard "The Simple Life" before? To me, that might be the best reality show I have ever seen.

I watched "The Simple Life Season 1" about a year ago and I could not wait to watch the next season. And "The Simple Life Season 2" came out yesterday.

I went to the DVD store right away and bought a copy of it.

As predicted, the movie was as great as the 1st season. Season is even better If I could argue.

Wanna see Paris Hilton becomes a deputy? Paris Hilton becomes a hairstylist? Paris Hilton becomes a mermaid? And other hillarious scenes?

Go get your copy right away!!! You won't regret it.


Won Tuesday's Hold'em Game

Won Tuesday's Hold'em Game

Finally... I won the game on Tuesday. 15 Bucks for the first round and another 5 bucks for the second round.

I could beat Tayong's cards on the final table with pocket Jacks.

That game was fun though...

Waiting for the next game...


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Halloween's Hold 'em Champion

Halloween's Hold 'em Champion

Tayong is the Champion for Halloween Hold 'em Tournament. Congrats Yong!!!
He won with a pair of Kings and a Jack as a kicker.

I got pocket Queens at that time and Tayong decided to go all-in and I called. Flop cards didn't help him as well as the Turn Card.

However, when it came to the River Card, another King appeared. That made him won with a pair of Kings and a Jack as a kicker. I lost about a hundred chips for that turn.

I was pretty shocked when I looked at the river card as I was pretty sure that I would win the turn.

But, That's poker dude. It's all about luck with a blend of your skills in manipulating your chips and cards.

Can't wait for the next game...

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween

!!!! Happy Halloween Guys !!!!

Do you routinely celebrate the event of Halloween????
I did for the past 2 years. But I dont think I am gonna celebrate this event again this year.
I went down to Castro Street and blended with thousands of people wearing amazing costumes.
Stayed there for a couple of hours and went back home early in the morning at about 4 o'clock.
Gosh... No more Halloween this year. Its getting bored and bored to go there.
One more reason, parking is just so hard when it comes to halloween party.
Better stay at home. LoL.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Best Places To Eat in Surabaya

Best Places To Eat In Surabaya

If you happen to live in Surabaya, You might be qualified to participate in this survey. Please contribute your answer by commenting on this thread. Just click the word "Comment" below at the end of this message. Type your favorite places to eat in Surabaya so it can be shared with others.

To Me:

1. The Duck King (Plaza Tunjungan)
2. Jade Imperial (Majyend) (Typical Chinese Resto)
3. Sri (Pandaan, a little bit out of city) (Great Indonesian Cuisine)
4. Bentoya (Plaza Tunjungan, PTC) (Japanese Resto)
5. De Boliva (Great Place to have dessert) (Raya Gubeng)

Now please specify your fave restos.

Timi says;

Surabaya Suki (Next to De Boliva) (Shabu Shabu)timi- 10.30.04 - 8:29 pm ]

Lid says;

[ imari jap resto @ JW Marriot! the tepanyaki is the best of the best! hehehe..]
[ then dim sum @ ah yat. sblh sinar yg buka 24 hours itu. ga tau jalan apaan. dkt US embassy ]
[ bakso yg di dpn angelos custos - ateng? donno the name. or yg dpn gereja kristus raja itu jg enak. kalo masih ada ahhahaa .. pak kus bkn? ]
[ thai village @ galaxy mall ]
[ agree with sky - Duck King - been there only once but TOP abis ]
[ and the ultimate seafood resto - SEA MASTER - almost forgotten ]
[ trs kwetiaw medan yg di mayjen.. donno which one hahaha ]

and the list goes on... hahhaa.. this is what i can think of right this moment..

¤[lid]¤ Homepage 10.31.04 - 1:37 am #

dave's survey for the best place to eat:

1) Bakso Pak Kus & Bakso KELT
2) Nasi Campur Tambak Bayan
3) Soto Gubeng Pojok & Soto Pak Sadi
4) Ayam Goreng President & Sri
5) Apeng

6) Angus House
7) Primavera Cascades Hot Stone at Hyatt
9) Ah Yat
10) Ulam Palimanan

Those are just my 2cents. Peace Out.
davey 11.02.04 - 2:42 am

Any other thoughts guys?

Daylight Saving Ends Tonight

Daylight Saving Ends Tonight

Daylight Saving Ends tonight at 2:00 AM PST (Sunday, Oct 31, 2004)

! ! ! H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N ! ! !



Next Poll...

What brand comes first to your mind when you go shopping?

Is it Louis Vuitton? Or Prada? Perhaps Gucci? Burberry Maybe? Or any other brands?

Share your opinions with us!

If you choose Others, You can specify the brand later once Poll ends.

Poll ends on Saturday, November 6, 2004.


Hasil Polling

Hasil Polling

Dari hasil polling yang ada, result shows that Lindsay Lohan wins the poll. Why Lindsay Lohan??? Is it because of her beauty??? or any other reasons?

For those who voted for Lindsay Lohan, please give your comments on this thread.

Hillary Duff or Lindsay Lohan?

Definitely Hillary Duff 5 (31.2%)
Lindsay Lohan for sure. 8 (50%)
None of them 3 (18.8%)

But, to me, Hilary Duff is still the best of all!!! :D

Web Stats

Web Stats

Num Country Name
66 United States
14 United Kingdom
9 Singapore
8 Indonesia
1 Canada

High Pageloads:

Day Date Page Loads Unique Visitors First Time Visitors Returning Visitors

Tuesday 28th September 2004 20 11 3 8
Monday 27th September 2004 35 10 4 6
Sunday 26th September 2004 50 6 4 2
Saturday 25th September 2004 62 8 4 4
Tuesday 5th October 2004 8 7 1 6
Monday 4th October 2004 14 6 4 2
Sunday 3rd October 2004 3 3 1 2
Thursday 21st October 2004 12 3 1 2
Wednesday 20th October 2004 3 3 1 2
Tuesday 19th October 2004 14 7 0 7
Monday 18th October 2004 0 0 0 0
Sunday 17th October 2004 15 4 1 3
Saturday 16th October 2004 2 2 0 2
Friday 15th October 2004 4 3 1 2
Saturday 30th October 2004 6 1 1 0
Friday 29th October 2004 15 10 5 5
Thursday 28th October 2004 3 3 1 2
Wednesday 27th October 2004 3 2 1 1
Tuesday 26th October 2004 38 16 10 6

Golden Gate Bridge From The Hill

Golden Gate Bridge From The Hill

Adiossss S.F.
COUNT DOWN: 47 Days Left

Friday, October 29, 2004

Pohon Timpa Phanter di Jl. Basuki Rachmat

Pohon Timpa Phanter di Jl. Basuki Rachmat

SURABAYA - Ada insiden yang terjadi di Jl Basuki Rahmad pukul 13.00 kemarin. Pohon Sono setinggi sekitar lima meter dan berdiameter kira-kira setengah meter yang ada di kanan jalan protokol itu, tiba-tiba tumbang. Pohon itu ambruk ke jalan, dan brakkk?..menimpa mobil Panther yang kebetulan lewat.

Peristiwa tersebut terjadi di pertigaan Jl Basuki Rahmad- Jl Embong Sawo. Agus Setyawan, pengemudi Panther itu tentu saja kaget bukan kepalang. "Waktu itu, saya baru saja keluar dari Toko Gramedia di Jl Basuki Rahmad," kata mahasiswa UWM (Universitas Widya Mandala) Surabaya ini. Belum lama dia melajukan kendaraannya, tiba-tiba dia merasakan sesuatu yang berat menimpa atap mobilnya.

"Ternyata ada pohon tumbang," katanya. Akibat kejadian ini, kap bagian atas mobil warga Jl Pacar Kembang itu penyok. "Peristiwa ini jelas merugikan saya. Saya jadi nggak bisa kuliah. Masih ditambah lagi mobil rusak," lanjutnya. Semula, dia berniat minta ganti rugi ke Dinas Pertamanan. Tapi, setelah diberitahu polisi bahwa insiden itu murni karena bencana alam, dia menggagalkan niatnya.

Memang, robohnya pohon Sono itu diduga karena terkena tiupan angin yang siang itu berhembus cukup kencang. "Ditambah lagi, pohon Sono nya agaknya usianya juga cukup tua. Sehingga, gampang roboh," kata salah satu polisi lalu lintas yang berada di TKP (tempat kejadian perkara).

Tumbangnya pohon Sono ini membuat arus lalu-lintas di Jalan Basuki Rahmad sempat mengalami kemacetan total selama satu jam. Ini karena, petugas dari Dinas Pertamanan harus memotong pohon itu, dan kemudian dipinggirkan. Selama proses itu dilakukan, polisi lalu-lintas menutup sementara areal tempat pohon tersebut tumbang.

Kemacetan yang terjadi di Jl Basuki Rahmad ini membuat arus lalu-lintas dari Jl A. Yani ikut macet. Mulai dari Jl Panglima Sudirman, Urip Sumoharjo menuju ke Raya Darmo juga ikut macet total.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

-= Sleepin Beauty =-

Stttt.... Somebody is sleepin



Some old pics that I have on my Nokia 6600...
Again... Pardon me for bad image quality.




Davey & Jaho


Tayong's Bday

Tayong's Bday

Ihiyy... Tayong Tse Turns 20. Happy Bday YonG!!!
Maap pics nya ga jelas... taken from a Nokia 6600 soalnya... hehehehe. Harap Maklum.

Anyway... Happy Bday yoooo.....